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Malappuram is a fascinating destination that steals the heart of travelers. You have to be there to experience it all. Malappuram rests in between the Arabian sea in the west, the Nilgiri hills in the east and Palakkad and Trissur districts in the north.

Malappuram district was formed in June 1969 amalgamating the distant and backward areas of the erstwhile Kozhikode, Perintalmanna and Ponnani taluks of Palakkad. The Nilgiris (Blue Mountains) of Tamil Nadu in the east and the Arabian sea in the west, provide natural boundaries. In the north, it is bounded by Kozhikode and Waynad Districts and in the south, by Palakkad and Thrissur districts.

The land of great poets and writers, political and religious leaders, this district has carved a place of it's own in the history of Kerala. The Kings of Valluvanad, the Zamorins, the kings of Perumpadappu Swarupam and the Kings of Vettathunadu, were the early rulers. Portuguese, Mysore Sultans and the Britishers, had their sway over this place, partly or wholly. But the unique social and cultural heritage is preserved.

Places To See

Karippur: The Airport at Malappuram. 27 km from Malappuram.

Kottakkal: The renowned Kottakkal Arya Vaidyasala is located here, Ayurveda College. The only Indian Ayurvedic Mental Hospital also here. Malabar Special police centre was established.

Malappuram Kunnummal : District Collectorate located.

Malappuram: 51 km southeast from Malappuram . It was the centre of Zamorin's Army in 1921.

NavaMukunda temple at Tirunavaya.

Nilambur: Teak and Bamboo plantations . The world's oldest teak plantation - Kanoli Plot - is here.

Palur: Tippu's fort walls.

Ponnani: The only port in Malappuram district and it is a fishing centre.

Tenjipalam: Centre of Calicut University.

Thanur: Was a Portuguese Colony. In 1546 St. Francis Xavier visited the place.

Thirunavaya :Kerala kings conducted the festival 'Mamamkam' on the banks of Bharathapuzha river.

Thuchen Parampu is here.

Tirur: Mahakavi Thunchen Ezhuthachan lived here in the 16th century. as a reminiscence

Tirurangadi was the centre of 'Malabar Lahala' - 1921.

How to Reach

Malappuram is well served by air, rail and road routes from all over the country. An International airport at Karipur, one of the most beautifully designed airports in India, links Malappuram to the major Indian cities and several cities in Gulf. The district has a good and wide network of roads providing sufficient inter linkage of places.

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